
Experience our unique features to manage your property employees

Dynamic Dashboards

Role-based Dashboards for Property Owners, Partners, General Managers, Managers, Supervisors, Front-Desk, Room-Attendants, etc.,

Multiple Properties

Manage and monitor multiple properties at one place, duly assigning employees between properties as per requirements and exigency


Each property is Geo-mapped to restrict certain operations only if the employee is within the said radius to monitor their activities

Network Mapping

Property Wifi Network can be mapped to Employee-wise and restrict Employees Floor-wise and area network-wise if required.

Access Permissions

Property Admin can manage the access permissions Module-wise, Employee-Wise, Role-Wise and Department-Wise as required.

Multi-Platform Support

Can operate the application apart from the Website, install and operate in Windows, Android and iOS Devices, Smart TVs, Displays

Clockin / Clockout by Face-Recognition

Apart from Manual and Bio metric clocking, employees can clock-in / clock-out by simple face recognition through their own mobiles, if the property has bonded their respective property location to Geo-metric mapping radius or mapped their wireless network to the application to allow the Clocking. A detailed Time sheet will be generated for the Administration to monitor the mode of Clocking and approve the Time sheet accordingly.